Monday, August 4, 2008

Camp Memory 2

I'm back! So my next memory is also at Switch camp. I had to opportunity to answer a complex question one of my girls had about God--"How do you hear God?" It came up every night in our small group time, and I finally found a way to answer it on the last night. I told her to look around her. God doesn't always talk in an audible voice, but he speaks through the things around us. Sometime God speaks through others, and sometimes he even speaks through His word. You have to really train yourself to hear Him. After this talk, she told me she had been stuck on this for years and it was the one thing keeping her from committing her life to Christ (which was something she had done earlier that night).

How would you have answered? Have you ever heard God?

1 comment:

Jordan Garrett said...

That is just awesome. I have asked that question soo many times, and now I realize that i knew the answer :)
I have heard God in more ways than one. He's hit home hard, and then He shows things in the sunset. I looove it.
good post!