Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Law of Sacrifice

(From the Leadership Bible--I think it's one of the 21 Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell)

Some of the saddest words in Scripture occur in Genesis 6:6. "And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth and was grieved in His heart." It saddened God that every human being except for Noah's immediate family would have to be destroyed. He loved the men and women whom He had created to be like Him, those who were to rule the earth and reflect His glory. 
God determined to start again, even without a guarantee that the survivors and their descendants would do a better job of following Him. God made a covenant with Noah, giving up His right to ever again flood the earth to cleanse it of sinful humanity. Noah gave up everything He had accumulated in his long life in order to start over: SACRIFICE ALWAYS PRECEDES SUCCESS. 

They had to give up to go up.


Nicole Knox said...

thats good!

peggy said...

What is the name of the song on your page that is playing now and who is singing it? g

Mandy said...

You'll have to give me the lyrics or look at the very bottom and there is a playlist. It's on random, so I don't know.