Thursday, December 27, 2007

In the Grip of Grace-2

I'm just going to post a quote and let you all reflect on it and comment on it.

"God does not sit silently while his children indulge in perversion. He lets us go our sinful way and reap the consequences. Every broken heart, every unwanted child, every war and tragedy can be traced back to our rebellion against God...Does He simply shake His head and say 'Humans will be humans?'...God is rightfully angry."

I don't even know what to say except if you need an example of rebellious living, just look at my life. In some ways I have good rebellion. I'm pretty resistant to ways of this world, but then every so often (lately it's about every day), Satan likes to convince me that my ways are superior to God's (which by the way, never works out).

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

We all have 2 paths that we can go down...our way or God's way. We are to be examples to those around us, whether they are our friends, family or someone who we don't even know. It's not always easy, but God will put us in situations to see how we act or respond. I know there have been numerous times that I have not chosen God's way. It's all part of growing in Christ. I am so thankful that HE is a God of second chances and loves us anyway. We have to keep our eyes focused on Jesus so we don't get caught up in the things of this world. We've all been rebellious at one time or another. The first step of changing is to realize that we have been and not in God's will and let God change us to become more like Him.

Chris said...

you rebellious? HA! I dont see what would give people the idea that God wouldn't be upset with us. But there are the times in life that you think that if He were here why would he let things like that happen. Trace it back, do whatever, but in your mind you know that it isn't him trying to curse you he is simply teaching a lesson to some and showing himself through the situation to others. I have had that in my life. He just soon show me it through a tragedy that way we would see Him better through it.
Satan does that sometimes, well more like always. You try and stop something and hes always there say "this will be the last time then you can stop" but you know thats a lie even when you continue to do it.

Robin Meadows said...

Yeah, satan likes to convince us of many lies. I've been thinking that he will attack us in our greatest scope of influence (for Christ). I'm going to write some blogs about that at some point.

Why do we ever think we can do a better job of being in control than just letting God? It's still a struggle for me!! And I'm OLD!! ;)

These posts are good, Mandy. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

How could you ever be rebellious. Love, G

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's rebellion, just not not thinking and wrong choices.

Mandy said...

It's not rebellion in the typical way you think about it. I mean I don't sneak around and drink and do that kind of stuff, but I don't follow all the rules and guidelines set before me. Think about it that way, not the typical sense. I'm glad I am sometimes, because it's kept me from a lot of peer pressure as well, because I have a good rebellious side too. (If that makes sense!)

Chris said...

well rebellion is rebellion.. and in some sense there is a time where the rules set before you arent supposed to be followed and at those times you are supposed to set your rules for life... hmm... You are going to be living your life on your own pretty soon is what im saying and the rules you have now arent the rules you will have the rest of your life. You need to start setting those other rules now so you are used to them and are strong in them! I like your writings as well.. keep it up!

Mandy said...

But until it's time to make my own rules, God tells me (us) to follow the rules of those in authority. So even when I don't want to follow those rules, God places authority in our life to help and guide us and even when we don't feel like following it, its the right thing to do.

Chris said...

God also is there for us to help guide ourselves when we are strong enough. I understand what you are saying and yes following the rules of "those of authority" right now, but im just saying that there is a time in your life where you need to make YOUR own decisions and have your own rules to guide yourself.. honestly i know you are stong enough and wise enough to know your boundaries and your rules without having other hound you about them.. hmm just saying.. you are really really wise and you know what you need to do and what is not needed!