Thursday, December 20, 2007

My First!

Wow! I can't believe it! I actually got permission to have a blog! I'm so excited! I love reading other peoples' blogs and keeping up with people I don't get to spend a lot of time with anymore. Hopefully I'll be able to post a lot! I'll post some of my favorite pictures soon!


Allyson said...

You are just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud to have you as our daughter. You are amazing. I look forward to see what God has planned for you. (By the way, I'm surprised you get to have a blog, but I'm glad that you do.)

Hannah said...

you are GORGEOUS!!! i agree with your did you get a blog?!?!? crazy!!!

Robin Meadows said...

Fun! I'm glad you got permission---it's a good outlet. What are some blogs you read?

Mandy said...

Robin-I don't have very many right now, but if you have any suggestions on blogs to read I would love to add more to my list. I read Cindy's and my friend Amy's, but that's about all right now.

Robin Meadows said...

Well, Anna has started one at

I have one too!

Mandy said...

Thanks Robin! I look forward to reading those soon!