Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 4

Our morning began bright and early with every intention of leaving Basaseachi Falls that day. However two people were sick and we ended up starting later than planned (they estimated it would take 4 hours to hike out...that's how big the canyon was...). So we decided as a group to stay a day and rest in the falls. Lance and Chris hiked to the top to get food for the day and breakfast for the next morning (thanks so much guys!!!!). We spend the day "rock hopping." Here are some pictures of the canyon that day. (and yes by "rock hopping" I mean we literally would jump from one rock to another). We ran from one side to the other and found this rock that stuck out and sat there for about 30 minutes just talking. I think with in about 2 hours we had hiked the same amount of feet running around as we would have hiking up the mountain. We found a few caves in the midst of all the rocks. And most of what we did this day was play and run. We all met up for lunch and wen to the pool at the bottom of the falls and had cheese and crackers. The water was freezing cold, so most of us didn't want to go swimming (two days earlier, snow was on the ground). After this I spent most of my day hanging out with the God who created all this and just couldn't stop praising and thanking Him for creating beautiful places so I can admire His creativity. Laurel and I took two naps on the rocks and found this little waterfall with it's own pool. Going down to it was pretty difficult, and getting back up was even more difficult, but we made it finally!! Everyone made it back to camp and Beth, Laurel, Paco and I went to filter water for dinner. And when we got back, we had yummy chili for dinner!! And we got to make s'mores!!! Talk about a great evening. We sat around and discussed more leadership issues and just spent some time talking about the day. I think we finally made it to bed at a normal time and Chris told us it wasn't supposed to be as cold that night as the night before.........but even the best can be wrong! The wind chill was in the single digits that night I believe. Around 2am the fly (or cover on the top of the tent that keeps bugs and wind out of the tent) was disconnected from its straps (that's how hard the wind was blowing) and blew off. So we had below freezing wind blowing through our tent, needless to say, I didn't sleep. When Lance woke up at 4 he saw our fly was off and came to fix it. So I got an hour of sleep. We all woke up at 5 and ate, packed and headed up the mountain at 7:30. We made it to the top around 11. It only took us 2.5 hours!! We unpacked our backpacks and cleaned up. Then we went to this homecooking place and had some DELICIOUS Mexican food and shopped around and at 1 we headed out for Creol. I'll finish that day tomorrow!! Here's one last picture of the Canyon...


drama momma said...

Glad you are blogging about this...some of it I'm hearing for the first time. :)

Robin Meadows said...

Wow! You guys had an adventure!! What a great memory!

Chick4Christ said...

wow I love reading this!