Monday, June 2, 2008

Full Weekend

My week was so crazy last week, so I wasn't able to blog. I was gone almost every night with something. And the weekend didn't slow it down: Fri-Toon Town training, Sat-Wendy's 17th birthday party and Nick's wedding! then Caroline's Graduation party, Sun-church and LIFESTOCK!! Needless to say, I was exhausted this morning. Last week I finished one of my books of "summer reading" and it reminded me of something I blogged about earlier this year...

"I once took a little dog through a course in obedience school. One of the lessons he had to learn was to respond to my voice only. There were forty-nine other dogs and their masters in the circle, adn commands were given by more than one person at a time. Each dog had to distinguish, out of all hte noise, the one voice that called to him. so do we who are trainees in God's obedience school. We learn to love the sound of His voice, and our obedience to Him, in matters large and small, changes us into His image, "from glory to glory" (2Cor 3:18). That is a promise."
--Be Still My Soul, by Elisabeth Elliot

Are you listening to His voice among the other sounds calling out to you? Are you being obedient?


Robin Meadows said...

Oooo...good analogy and questions. Ones I struggle with often.

I'm so glad you're blogging Mandy! You're awesome!

Anonymous said...

Good stuff girlie!

I had a CrAzY weekend too!

It was good to see you!
So here's what I'm thinkin...we need to get together! That's all...we just do, so when are you available?