Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well, today's the day. I've been waiting for 12 years for this day to come, and here it is. My high school career is almost over. I'm finding it hard to believe, but I'm ready for this day to come. I'm ready for a new adventure with new people. I'm ready to take the next step into God's plan for my life. And I'll leave you with this quote I heard at the midnight showing of Prince Caspian (a must see!!)...

"I do not think I'm ready."-says Prince Caspian to Aslan
"For that reason I know you are."-Aslan

As today grew closer, I felt like I wasn't ready. So much of my time was wasted on things that didn't matter the next day. But as always, God thinks I'm ready, so I must be. Here's to the next part of the journey!

1 comment:

Robin Meadows said...

So proud of you! You'll always feel like this...and it's OK. He's there to meet us every step of the way. And your way is going to be excitingly great!