Friday, February 22, 2008

"Tell a man he is great, and he will become so."-Thomas Curlyle

Lately I've been struggling a lot with some good ol' fashion self-doubt. I don't know about you, but the greatest way Satan attacks me is in what I think of myself. You could say great things (or call me a fool) and it wouldn't matter, unless I believed that myself. Thankfully I have a great friend who continually speaks life into me and doesn't give up. I've been battling a lot of fear in that I'll never get my dream job, I'll never measure up to what they do, I'm just not worth all that much. (Don't worry, I'm not depressed. It's just what I think). :) Well, I've decided to take a mindset change. I am not worth that much, and I don't want to be prideful. BUT through Christ I am worth everything. I refuse to believe my dreams will come true. I commit to telling myself every morning: you are worth something to the world, don't give up, God has many things stored ahead for you that are greater than you could ever imagine. And He will fulfill His promises. You are loved, even when you don't feel it.

Are there mindsets you need to change? Do you need to wake up every morning and tell yourself you are worthwhile? Or am I alone on this struggle?


drama momma said...

I think your family speaks life into you also. Mountain Man says sometimes God isn't saying "no", he's just saying "not yet".

You sound like your Mom, right now. And no, you aren't the only one who feels that way. We all have moments where Satan tells us lies. You are very blessed and have a lot to be thankful for.

As you commented on the SONIC blog....patience, patience.

Moutain Man will be commenting soon.

drama momma said...

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

See, whatever the future holds will be good.

peggy said...

I am sorry you feel this way. Of course you are loved. I am very proud to have you as my grandaughter. I am proud of all your hard work in school. I could never have done all that you do in school. You have taken the hardest courses that you could. You could have had straight a's but chose to take the challenging work instead. It makes me sad to think that you think about yourself like that. Anyway I love you lots and so do many other people. Grandma

Anonymous said...

I wake up every morning and wonder if my priorities are right. Is sleeping more important than 20 minutes of alone time with my Creator? Is working late more important than coming home to eat and hang out with my family? Is blogging more important than playing a game with our son? It's real easy to lose sight in this world of what's eternally important. Mandy, you're worth EVERYTHING to your creator, friends and family and in the end, isn't that your only true legacy?

Anonymous said...

that's so true. you have to tell yourself that you're worthwhile because we're trained to compare ourselves. when we are not compared to anyone in God's eyes. we're PERFECT for His plans. sometimes we forget though. i'm totally there with ya.

Robin Meadows said...

Yeah, we all struggle, Mandy. Even when we're old like me! LOL

One thing that helps me is REALLY believing that God is good---ALL the time. (even when it doesn't seem like it or things aren't going the way we had hoped).

Just know that you are loved and that this isn't something you have to do alone. And that it's ok to struggle...

Mandy said...

Thank you all so much for your encouragement!

Chick4Christ said...

hey so i'm always praying for you, and always here for you! i love you Mandy! and you're doing great in your journey of life!