Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Song Sense

Sanctus Real - We Need Each Other

From the album We Need Each Other

I think I caught a glimpse of a life without friends: bitter, empty, hollow, dark, and lonely
We never meant to hurt each other, so can we trust again?
And take it as a chance to keep on growing?

I don't know why it doesn't come easy, but I know that we could be happy
If we'd only learn to love

Oh, oh, we need each other, so what's the fighting for?
Oh, oh, we need each other, please don't close the door
Oh, oh, we need each other, through all the highs and lows
Oh, oh, we need each other, 'cause no one's meant to be alone

Life revolves around the need of having someone, causing every complicated feeling
Oh, and I don't want to lose you, so there is nothing wrong

With telling me what you need to keep our love strong
It's just a part of being a family, taking the good with the bad and the ugly If we could only learn to love
Oh, oh, we need each other, fathers and mothers

Oh, oh, we need each other, sisters and brothers
Oh, oh, we need each other, yeah, we need friends and lovers

I need you, you need me, 'cause that's the way it's meant to be

Friends...the people you can't imagine living without, and sometimes can't stand. Yet, it never fails that true friends stick with you in trials. I have a tight group of about 5 friends who stand next to me in everything, even if I don't feel their presence. I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with friends who strengthen me and protect me. I'm not one that typically reaches out for help and I like to keep to myself most of the time, but my best friends can read my expressions 100%! Has God blessed you with friends that you don't deserve? Many times I wonder how I ended up with such great people around me, and He blesses me with new friends every day. :) My parents say my life revolves around my friends, and I admit it...it's true, they're my best friends and apart of my family. But if you have friends like I do, you'd understand why I enjoy them. I pray that you all are blessed with friends like this, or will be at some point in your lifetime. Tell me about your friends. :)


Lori said...

My eyes teared up as I read this song. It is perfect. Lately it has seemed like we have been so far from one another - I have felt bitter, emopty, hollow, dark, and lonely. Yet, I know we will walk through this fire and be refined. We do need each other. I keep thinking about the hands to heaven - that is how are friendship is. We have had a long journery and yet the father down the line we go it becomes harder to completely trust one another. Why is that? WE NEED EACH OTHER!
I praise God everyday for our friendship, in the good and in the bad.

drama momma said...

We have some great friends in our lifegroup. We have been through births of our children, sickness, loss of parents, good times, hard times, happy times and sad times. God has blessed us with friends that would be here for us in a second, and we would be there for them!

Caroline said...

It isn't very often I recognize how blessed I am to have such a close knit group of friends. I can't really imagine not having you guys around.

Anonymous said...

we are so blessed. i mean i truly would hate my life without you guys. you're so much of the reason i'm still in a relationship with God. if not for you i would've given up long ago. i can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. i love you guys so much!!! i can't wait to see how we change the world.

Chris said...

You guys are amazing.. indeed. Friends are those who are always there. I have 2 groups of friends that are like that for me. And you guys are always there. I apreciate that. It seems as tho you guys help make life easier when its hard. and well hard when life should be easy lol.. drama.. well i guess you are all girls... for the most part(taylor your a guys i think) lol.. jk bro.. man but seriously .. thank you all for being there!

ChristusNextus said...

i love that song for one. you have just inspired me to become a pirate and download it, thanks! friends helping friends; thats what its all about! j/k, haha

my friends keep me from straying to the left (haha) or too far right, and staying focused on the Lord. they, without knowing how or why- or even intentionally, give me such courage and assurance in my path of Life.( multiple meanings possible, lets all take a moment to think of them all.....................................................................) ok anyway.

to answer your text, you are both. we all look out for our own butts(can i say that?) sometimes, but you also put a great focus on others. your servant heart is shown daily and there God has given you a self-less attitude- you just need to start believing the other thigns he says about you before you can lie this out 100%. thats my opinion at least. because if you are too consumed with self-doubt, how can you reach out to others all the time? Understanding starts with U, and you need to know and believe yourself before you can unlock the potential you have to be an even mor amazing understanding and self-less person. does that make any sense? u like that u thing? i made thatup myself, thank you thank you (as he takes a bow)

tiene un gran fin de semana amiga! nos vemos