Monday, January 7, 2008


Last night in Konnect, we talked about silence. Have you ever thought about how hard it is to be in complete silence? We were watching a Nooma video ("Noise") and during the video there was 10 minutes of silence and the kids couldn't sit quietly. It was strange to watch. They were squirmy and giggly. They just couldn't be quiet. This reminded me of my Day Alone With God in Zurich this summer. We could only talk during meals, and from about 9 am clear through dinner we listened for God's quiet voice.
I sat against pier that reached out over Lake Zurich and I listened to the water hit the rocks for the majority of the day...and all I could think about was how creative God was when He created the sounds of this world and as He creates us. Everything is so different, yet all beautiful. As I sat in silence, all I could do was be thankful for this beauty that God has place on this earth. I had a crystal clear lake at my feet, snow capped mountains across the lake and beautiful swans at my feet. I've never felt so at peace...

When was the last time you sat in God's beauty and simply listened to His quiet voice?? Or have you ever just sat in silence? If you haven't I highly suggest you do! You'll certainly be amazed at how hard it is to not have background noise, even if it's just thoughts in your head.


drama momma said...

I noticed the silence during the ice storm. It was really nice with no television, no computer, even no light. Even though we were very thankful when we did get power a couple of days later, it was nice to just stop our every day lives. I know that I don't stop, much less stop and listen. Definitely something that I do need to do.

Chris said...

Actually I have, surprisingly hehe. . But when we went backpacking in New Mexico. I ran ahead of everyone and sat at the summit area. All i could see for miles were mountains thats all.. I sat on the ground and just in pure amazement sat quietly. It just seemed like everything just was at a stand still and everything He said I could hear! its amazing what happens when you sit silent

Robin Meadows said...

This is beautiful, Mandy. I have a hard time with just sitting and "being". Thanks for the reminder!